
Reasons For Preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement

prepare a bank reconciliation

That means your account could quickly become overdrawn, with penalties and fees adding up in a matter of days. This is probably the most important step in the entire bank reconciliation process. If you commonly make deposits into your account, you’ll want to compare your bank account deposit totals to those listed in your general ledger. Remember, banks make mistakes, too, with transposition errors common. In this guide, we’ll explain exactly why doing a bank reconciliation is so important, and give you step-by-step instructions on how to complete one. “Very nice. This has helped me in preparing the reconciliation of my bank statement. Thank you.”

According to agreement, on 25th March, a debtor deposited directly into the bank ₹ 9,000 but the same has not been recorded in the Cash Book. Cheque of ₹ 5,000 dated 15th April, 2018 issued to M & Co. was dishonoured being post dated. It was also not recorded in the books of account yet. On 31st March, 2018, a merchant’s Cash Book showed a credit bank balance of ₹ 10,500 but due to the following reasons the Pass Book showed a difference. A normal balance bill for ₹ 10,000 was retired by the Bank under a rebate of ₹ 150 but the full amount of the bill was credited in the bank column of the Cash Book. Cheques totalling ₹ 10,200 deposited with the bank have not yet been collected and a cheque for ₹ 4,000 has been dishonoured. A Cheque of ₹ 15,000 received from Mahesh Chand and deposited in the bank was dishonoured but the non-payment advice was not received from the bank till 1st April, 2018.

prepare a bank reconciliation

A cheque for Rs. 5,475 was deposited into the bank, but wrongly entered in the Cash Book as Rs. 5,745. Cheques of Rs. 17,000 were issued but cheques worth only Rs. 10,000 were presented for payment up to 30th June 2019.

Question Papers

For example, if a business pays a cheque to a supplier but the supplier does not cash the cheque in the bank in that month. A business can have many different bank accounts in different banks and, therefore, will receive multiple prepare a bank reconciliation statements from each bank for each account of the business. A deposit of $430 was incorrectly entered as $340 in the company’s cash records. Interest income earned on the company’s average cash balance at bank was $1,237.22.

  • The word reconcile means “to make one thing compatible with another”.
  • The statement includes deposits, charges, withdrawals, as well as beginning and ending balance for the period.
  • The bank’s statement is prepared by a person or business with a financial institution.
  • It is the process of matching the balance in the accounting records of an entity to a cash account for related information on a bank statement.

A draft of ₹ 10,000 favouring Atul & Co. was issued by the bank charging commission of ₹ 200. However, in the Cash Book entry was passed by ₹ 10,000.

You’re essentially doing the same thing for the same reason. Cheques deposited in the bank but not entered in the Cash Book ₹ 12,500. Out of them, a cheque of ₹ 4,200 was credited in the first week of April, 2018. Cheque of ₹ 21,600 were issued in the last week of March but only cheques of ₹ 14,800 were presented for payment. Bank Pass Book shows credit for ₹ 1,000 representing ₹ 400 paid by debtor of R direct into the bank and ₹ 600 collected directly by the bank in respect of interest on R’s investment. Cheques amounting to ₹ 3,500 had been paid into the bank for collection but of these only ₹ 500 had been credited in the Pass Book. On 30th March, cheques had been issued for ₹ 70,000 of which cheques amounting to ₹ 3,000 only had been encashed up to 31st March.

Adjust The Bank Book And Bank Statement Balances

There was a debit in the Pass Book of ₹ 15 in respect of bank charges and a credit of ₹ 25 for interest on Current Account but no record exists in the Cash Book. A post-dated cheque for ₹ 100 has been debited in the bank column of the Cash Book but under no circumstances was it possible to prove it. A cheque of ₹ 540 issued to Mohan has not been presented for payment.

This is one of the reasons bank reconciliations are a major part of a business’ internal control procedures. Apart from these types of differences, errors may also occur on either the business’ side of the records or the bank’s side of the records. The business has to identify any differences between the balances in these two documents and reconcile them in order to ensure proper control over it bank balances. Learn accounting fundamentals and how to read financial statements with CFI’s free online accounting classes. A check of $520 deposited by the company has been charged back as NSF. The resulting figure should be equal the balance shown as per bank statement.

In the Cash Book, bank charges of Rs. 200 were entered twice while another bank charge of Rs. 500 was not recorded at all. A cheque of Rs. 4,250 issued to a creditor, has been entered in the Cash Book as Rs. 4,520. Bank has debited Rs. 1,500 and credited Rs. 1,200 in our account. On 28th March, 2017, cheques were issued amounting to Rs. 15,000, out of which cheques of Rs. 3,000 were presented in March, Rs. 4,000 on 2nd April and rest were not presented.

An entry of Rs. 30 of a payment by a customer direct into the bank appears in the Pass Book. My Pass Book also shows a credit of Rs. 60 to my account for interest on investments directly collected by my bankers. Cheques deposited but not collected by the bank Rs. 8,560. You are required to prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st December, 2019 and ascertain the balance as per bank Pass Book. He had also issued cheques amounting to Rs. 10,000, out of which only Rs. 3,600 had been presented for payment. Cheques amounting to Rs. 14,600 had been paid to the bank, but of these only Rs. 12,200 were credited in the Pass Book, up to 30th June, 2019. Cheques for Rs. 25,000 issued during January, but cheques for only Rs. 18,500 were presented for payment.

Step 3: Compare Checks And Adjust Bank Total

Before that date, you had issued cheques amounting to ₹ 1,500 of which cheques of ₹ 900 have been presented for payment. Two cheques of ₹ 500 and ₹ 650 sent to the bank for collection were not entered in the Pass Book by 31st July, 2017. However, the depositor/customer/company debits its Cash account to increase its checking account balance. It is helpful for a company to have a separate general ledger Cash account for each of its checking accounts. For instance, a company will have one Cash account for its main checking account, a second Cash account for its payroll checking account, and so on. For simplicity, our examples and discussion assume that the company has only one checking account with one general ledger account entitled Cash. The earnings credit rate is a daily calculation of interest that a bank pays on customer deposits.

If that’s the case, the statement can still be reconciled, you’ll just have to run a general ledger report ending on the same day as the bank statement. For instance, if your bank statement period is 1/11/2020 through 2/10/2020, you would run a general ledger or trial contra asset account balance for that same period. The balance after the book is adjusted should be carried forward to the next month after bank reconciliation. If your balance is off by a multiple of nine (for example, $270 or $630), you have likely made a transposition error.

If there is so little activity in a bank account that there really is no need for a periodic bank reconciliation, you should question why the account even exists. It may be better to terminate the account and roll any residual funds into a more active account. By doing so, it may be easier to invest the residual funds, as well as to monitor the status of the investment. You can also build protection into your bank accounts, and your bank can provide useful ideas. For high-volume businesses or situations with a higher risk of fraud, you may need to reconcile your bank transactions even more often. Reconciling your account also helps you identify internal administrative issues that need attention. For example, you might need to reevaluate how you handle cash flow and accounts receivable, or perhaps change your record-keeping system and the accounting processes you use.

prepare a bank reconciliation

On 29th June, the bank credited the sum of Rs. 1,650 in error. The Bank Pass Book shows credit for Rs. 2,000 representing Rs. 1,400 paid by debtor of A direct into the bank and Rs. 600 collected direct by bank in respect of interest on A,s investment. A cheque for Rs. 1,000 was returned dishonoured by the bank and was debited in the Pass Book only.

VYAPAR is a business management software, exactly that you used to manually reconcile and create a bank statement but the only change is, it is automated for you. Comparing the two statements with a long list of transactions is tense and an error in using the manual and traditional method of bank reconciliation. Bank fees or service charges for maintaining the account, fees for returned checks, processing wire transfers, check to print, etc.

A cheque for Rs. 13,600 drawn on his saving deposit account has been wrongly recorded as drawn on current account in the Cash Book. A B/P for Rs. 3,600 has been paid by the bank, but not yet recorded in the Cash Book. A cheque for Rs. 7,500 received from a customer although entered in the bank column of the Cash Book, was omitted to be paid into the bank. Cheques amounting to Rs. 18,000 were drawn on 25th March, of which cheques of Rs. 4,800 were cashed before 31st March. Cheques of Rs. 10,000 were deposited in Bank on 28th March, 2017, out of which cheques of Rs. 4,000 were cleared on 2nd April, 2017 and rest are dishonoured. Cheques of Rs. 20,000 were deposited in Bank on 27th March, 2017, out of which cheques of Rs. 5,000 were cleared on 1st April, 2017.

A cheque for Rs. 11,000 paid to Shashi Bhushan wrongly entered in the cash column. Rs. 200 commission charged by bank on outstation cash basis cheques yet to be taken into account. Fees of Rs. 250 was paid directly by the bank but was not recorded in the Cash Book.

Bank charge of Rs. 150 as per bank statement of account had not been taken in the Cash Book. Cheques amounting to Rs. 7,500 sent to the bank for collection though entered in the Cash Book, had not been credited by the bank.

prepare a bank reconciliation

As per instructions the bank on 28th March paid out ₹ 10,500 to a creditor but by mistake, the same has not been entered in the Cash Book. During the month, cheques for ₹ 89,580 were drawn in favour of creditors. Of them one creditor for ₹ 38,580 encashed his cheque on 7th April whereas another for ₹ 4,320 have not yet been encashed.

If you work with a bookkeeper or online bookkeeping service, they will handle it for you. A bank statement is a document that is usually sent each month by the bank to the account holder, which summarizes all transactions of an account during the month. These are the following benefits of automating the bank reconciliation process using accounting software.

The third transaction in above question will not effect on the balance of bank as the cheque is not represented into bank. Cheques amounting to Rs. 15,000 were drawn in March 2020, out of which cheques for Rs. 5,500 were presented for payment on 3rd April. Rs. 40 for bank charges were recorded two times in Cash Book and bank expenses of Rs. 35 were not at all recorded in Cash Book. Cheques were issued for Rs. 15,000, but of them cheques for Rs. 7,700 have not yet been presented. On 31st May bankers had debited Rs. 45 as bank charges but had intimated it on 3rd June. Cash and cheques totalling Rs. 36,000 were sent to bank during May but one cheque of Rs. 11,800 was shown in the Pass Book on 2nd June.

Bank reconciliation done through accounting software is easier and error-free. The bank transactions are imported automatically allowing you to match and categorize a large number of transactions at the click of a button. This makes the bank reconciliation process efficient and controllable. Errors in the prepare a bank reconciliation cash account result in an incorrect amount being entered or an amount being omitted from the records. The correction of the error will increase or decrease the cash account in the books. Adjust the cash balances in the business account by adding interest or deducting monthly charges and overdraft fees.

Remember that items such as outstanding checks do not need be recorded into the G/L since they are already there. However, anything that affects the G/L such as unexpected deposits, interest income, or service fees will need to be recorded.

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